Dartford - Thurrock River Crossing (River Thames - A282/M25 Junction 1a)
You will not be required to pay the Dart Charge if your vehicle is registered in the Disabled Taxation class and you are exempt from paying road tax. You do not need to do anything as your vehicle will be checked automatically with the DVLA using the camera systems.
You would not be eligible for this if you only receive the 50% reduction as this does not change your vehicle taxation class.
There is no exemption linked to the Blue Badge itself.
Clifton Suspension Bridge
There is only a concession available for this toll if you are someone with a BS postcode. And you receive one of the following benefits
- Higher rate Mobility Component of Disability Living Allowance
- Enhanced rate Mobility Component Personal Independence Payment
To receive this discount, you must apply for a concessionary card with a £10 fee. This then allows unlimited crossings for 12 months.
You are able to get an application form from their website https://cliftonbridge.org.uk/crossing-the-bridge/concessions/ or call 0117 973 8008 or email office@cliftonbridge.org.uk
Humber Bridge
The Humber Bridge Board provides free crossings for people who are disabled (provided that they pre-register) and are in receipt of one of the following benefits:
- Higher rate of mobility component of the Disability Living Allowance (DLA);
- Enhanced rate of Personal Independence Payments (PIP);
- The vehicle must be tax exempt and in the disabled tax class.
- Applications must be made in advance of crossing.
To take advantage of the concession the disabled person must be present, and you have to be in the vehicle that was registered. You would need to use the Tag Lanes (open-road toll lanes).
You can do this through their website and will need to supply the corresponding evidence to prove you are eligible. There are two types of form to use ones for Motability vehicles and one for privately owned. https://www.humberbridge.co.uk/humberbridge/toll-concessions/
you can contact them on 01482 647161 or concessions@humberbridge.co.uk
M6 Motorway (Birmingham Toll)
To get an exemption for the M6 toll you have to apply for a Mobility Exemption Pass. To be eligible for one you must be receiving one of the following and provide the appropriate evidence.
- Vehicle is registered in the disabled tax class and is tax exempt
- A confirmation letter to claim vehicle road tax classification status of ‘Disabled’ and vehicle registration number under a Motability Vehicle Lease Agreement
- War pensioner mobility supplement
- Armed Forces Independence Payment.
- Disability Living Allowance (DLA) by virtue of entitlement to the Mobility Component at the Higher Rate.
- Is in receipt of disability assistance for children and young people by virtue of entitlement to the Mobility Component at the Higher Rate.
- Personal Independent Payment (PIP) by virtue of entitlement to the Mobility Component at the Enhanced Rate.
To receive the concession you will need to apply to receive the M6 Mobility Exemption Pass as this will need to be shown. Nothing else will be accepted for the exemption.
For the application form and for further information visit https://www.m6toll.co.uk/pricing/ or call 0330 660 0790 or email customer.services@m6toll.co.uk
Itchen Bridge (A3025 Woolston-Southampton)
You are able to apply for a Smartcities card which allows you to set up an account for crossing the bridge. You will need to apply using the application form and selecting the option you would like the concessions for. https://concessioncard.net/BeforeYouApply_input.action
One of the following documents is required to show evidence of qualification for exemption from paying the toll for the Itchen Bridge.:
- A recent letter from the Department for Work and Pensions confirming being in receipt of the higher rate of the mobility component of Disability Living Allowance
- A recent letter from the Department for Work and Pensions confirming being in receipt of Personal Independence Payments at eight points or above against the ‘mobility activities’ criteria (including both ‘moving around’ and ‘journey planning’ criteria)
- Current evidence of being in receipt of a mobility supplement under article 26A of the Naval, Military and Air Forces etc. (Disablement and Death) Service Pensions Order 1983, including such a supplement by virtue of any scheme or order under article 25A of the Personal Injuries (Civilians) Scheme 1983
If you would like more explanation or assistance for how to receive this discount all enquiries can go through their website contact form https://www.southampton.gov.uk/contact-us/smartcities-contact/ or call 023 8083 3008
Mersey Tunnel
You can be eligible for the concessionary travel scheme if you have the Blue Badge and:
- Receive the higher rate mobility component of DLA
- Receive the Enhanced rate mobility component of PIP
- You are over 65 and receive the higher rate of Attendance Allowance
- Receive the mobility supplement of a war pension.
You can apply using their form which can be found online at https://www.merseytravel.gov.uk/tunnels/concessionary-travel-scheme/ you will need to supply copies of the appropriate evidence for the criteria you are applying under, Blue Badge and passport size photo. You than can post it to
T-FLOW Concessions
PO Box 1976
L69 3HN
You may also drop it off at a Merseytravel Centre but you may need to supply originals of the same evidence previously mentioned.
You will be issued with a number of free trips a year depending on where you live.
- In the local authority boundaries of Liverpool, Wirral, Sefton, Knowsley or St Helens you will receive 200
- Outside of these 40
For any enquiries you can you can call 0151 330 1004 or alternatively email tflow@liverpoolcityregion-ca.gov.uk
Mersey Gateway Bridge and Silver Jubilee Bridge (Runcorn – Widnes)
It is possible to get a concession from the toll by applying online through the Mersyflow website.
There is a £5 registration fee. You will need to have photos or scanned copies of both the front and back of the Blue Badge. When uploading treat the front and back as 2 separate documents.
You can find the application form at https://www.merseyflow.co.uk/blue-badge
For more information you would need to contact them direct on 01928 878 878.
Tyne Tunnel (near Newcastle)
It is possible to get an exemption for using the Tyne Tunnel if:
- you are a Blue Badge holder
- are entitled to nil road tax either through the Motability Scheme or if your vehicle is exempt due to disability.
You can apply online using the application forms found at https://www.tt2.co.uk/apply-for-a-toll-exemption-account/
or by post using the downloadable forms found at https://www.tt2.co.uk/exemption-accounts-apply-by-post/ and send them to
TT2 Limited
Administrative Building
Tyne & Wear
NE28 0PD
If this is not possible for you then you are able contact them on 0191 574 0031
Tamar Bridge (A38 Plymouth-Liskeard) and Torpoint Ferry (A374 Plymouth-Torpoint)
To be eligible for the concession you must receive:
- Higher level mobility component DLA
- Enhanced rate mobility component PIP
- War pensioners mobility supplement
- Registered Blind
- Car is registered in the Disabled taxation class
The application form is available on their website in the following link https://www.tamarcrossings.org.uk/prices/mobility-scheme/ or the Torpoint Ferry Office.
You can contact them over the phone 01752 812233 or via email enquiries@tamarcrossings.org.uk .
Whitchurch Bridge (B471 Pangbourne-Whitchurch)
The company allows free crossings for customers if they receive:
- Higher rate mobility component of DLA
- Enhanced rate mobility component of PIP
- War pensioner’s mobility supplement
- Their vehicle is registered in the disabled taxation class
You will need to pre-register with them using the registration form found on their website whitchurchbridge.com/DisabledBridgeCard2.pdf or if you are not able to access this you can pick up a form from the toll collectors. You will need to send this back with the appropriate evidence requested on the form along with a cheque for £10 as a returnable deposit for the bridge card.
On their website it says “The Company reserves the right to restrict this concession to disabled persons with a local address who need to use the Bridge on a regular basis. A disabled person's "free" Bridge Card may only be used when the nominated disabled person is in the vehicle”.