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Sign up to the Priority Services Register
Posted in General News on Tuesday, August 15th, 2023
The Priority Services Register (PSR) is a free UK wide service which provides extra advice and support, including when there’s an interruption to your electricity or gas supply.
It’s free to join and helps energy companies, (including energy suppliers, electricity and gas networks) to look after customers who have extra communication, access or safety needs.
You can join our Priority Services Register if you:
- Use medical equipment reliant on electricity or water
- Live with children under five
- Are deaf or hard of hearing
- Have a disability
- Are blind or partially sighted
- Have a chronic illness
- Use medical equipment/aids that are reliant on electricity
- Are of pensionable age
- Have anxiety, depression or any mental health condition
- Have a loss or impairment of smell
Everyone’s needs are different so you can contact your regional network company to discuss your requirements at any time.
Why should I register for
Support and information during a power or gas supply interruption
You can contact the network operators in the UK 24 hours a day, every day, and get priority updates in a power cut. If your electricity or gas needs to be temporarily switched off to carry out essential maintenance, you will get prior advance notice to allow you to plan ahead.
Connection to local emergency services
Your electricity and gas network companies work with local authorities, emergency services and agencies, like the British Red Cross, to provide extra support to people on the Priority Services Register.
Emergency power
If you use medical equipment/aids which use electricity or water the PSR helps to prioritise support during prolonged supply interruptions. Portable generators or bottled water can be delivered when necessary.
Emergency gas
If you are on mains gas and your supply is interrupted for a prolonged period, we will aim to help you with emergency electrical heating and cooking appliances.
Communication tailored to your needs
You can request a format that suits your needs, e.g. Large Print, Braille, textphone, audio or a language other than English.
Nominated contact
If it helps, we can contact a nominated carer, family member or friend on your behalf
Peace of mind
Joining the PSR allows you to set up a password to use when electricity or gas company employees call you or knock at your door. Registering a password helps protect your personal safety and home security.
Visit today to register.
If you already know which regional network company delivers your electricity or gas, you can click on the links and logos on the website for extra information and to register. Or if you are unsure, just enter your postcode on the website and be directed to your electricity and gas network company.
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Faridoon Hormasji
Tuesday, August, 22nd, 2023
I am glad to be informed of the help available when required. THANK YOU.
Norman Alden
Wednesday, August, 16th, 2023
This is a very important thing to those of us who would suffer during a power cut or a problem with gas supply.
Norman Alden
Sunday, August, 27th, 2023
A good thing, it gives a feeling of security and confidence.
Susan Webb
Wednesday, August, 16th, 2023
A much needed initiative.
Susan Webb
Wednesday, August, 16th, 2023
A much needed initiative.
Conrad Feaver
Thursday, August, 17th, 2023
I think this is a very good idea.
brian hockey
Wednesday, August, 16th, 2023
i am all ready a member
Jacqueline Jones
Wednesday, August, 16th, 2023
Hi, I have sleep apnoea and need my CPAP machine on all night every night to keep my heart beating,also have to keep medication in fridge in
Jacqueline Jones
Wednesday, August, 16th, 2023
I suffer with sleep apnea and need my CPAP machine on all night and every night,also I have to keep medication in fridge
Chrissie Eggleton
Thursday, August, 17th, 2023
Although I have torches in every room, I don't want to reply on them
janet cruse
Wednesday, August, 16th, 2023
british gas is my supplier
Wednesday, August, 16th, 2023
I di this a few years ago. I have had need of it twice. Once when our power was to be cut off. I was offered a generator. Wonderful. They brought it along and it did not work. Apparently I needed to have my house rewired. I was left without power for three days. No ventilator, no was to use my stairlift. No way to unfold my downstairs bed/chair. I had my wiring checked a few days later and all was well. Second time was when the water was to be cut off. They brought m lots of bottled water and left if n my front garden wall. I can barely walk with two stick let alone carry water. So I did without water barring all that was in the kettle. I did ring about the problem to the Priority Services and they said it was not within their remit to bring the water where I could actually use it just put it somewhere that was convenient for them. All in all what a waste of time. Disabled people let down again.
Jenny Thomson
Wednesday, August, 16th, 2023
Elderly widow in power chair, unable to walk, use oxygen concentrator which needs electricty. Live alone.
Neil Cutty
Wednesday, August, 16th, 2023
Hope this works
Valerie Simmons
Thursday, August, 17th, 2023
SOS supplies both gas and electricity. Have polyarthritis and have difficulty getting around especially if power cut during the hours of darkness. Also electricity required for stairlift