Although insurance for mobility scooters or powerchairs is not a legal requirement, it is highly recommended. This is because it will protect you not only against accidental damage and theft, but also negligence claims which may arise from use of your mobility vehicle. Some insurance will also incorporate mobility scooter breakdown cover which will get you home should your scooter breakdown.
questions on mobility scooter insurance
Q. Do I need a driving licence to ride a mobility scooter on the road?
A. No. You do not need take a test nor have a driving license to use a mobility scooter. It is, though, a legal requirement that only disabled people may use Class 2 or Class 3 scooters (unless the user is conducting a sales demonstration).
Q. Do I need insurance for a mobility scooter?
A. It is not a legal requirement to have insurance but DMUK strongly recommends it. There have been a small number of cases where uninsured people have lost their homes after being sued for negligence after injuring people with their scooter.
Q. Do I need to register my mobility scooter with the DVLA?
A. Only Class 3 vehicles (with a maximum speed of 8mph) must be registered. The DVLA will then issue you with a “nil duty” (ie no road tax is payable) tax disc which you are legally required to display on your scooter.
Q. Where can I get independent advice and information on using a mobility scooter?
A. The Department for Transport has published a free booklet called Mobility scooters and powered wheelchairs on the road - some guidance for users.
Q. Where can I buy insurance for my scooter?
it is best to shop around and find cover that best suits your needs. try searching online for mobility scooter/wheelchair insurance and find the best for you.
If you are looking for an insurance quote you can contact Surewise, either by visiting or by calling 01268 200 020.